Monday, January 17, 2022

class exercise

1) define what is a meta tag is: 

Meta Tag

Meta tags are areas in HTML code that contain information about a website.

Meta tags are areas in HTML code that contain information about a website. The information cannot be seen on the website itself. Search engines access certain meta tags so they can, for instance, display a page title and description in the search results.


2) Choose a webpage and analyse its meta tang.

- My choice is meta Facebook...

  • ·      Tag = Og: URL

The canonical URL for your page. This should be the undecorated URL, without session variables, user identifying parameters, or counters. Likes and Shares for this URL will aggregate at this URL. For example, mobile domain URLs should point to the desktop version of the URL as the canonical URL to aggregate Likes and Shares across different versions of the page.


  • ·      og: title

The title of your article without any branding such as your site name. A brief description of the content, usually between 2 and 4 sentences. This will be displayed below the title of the post on Facebook.


  • ·      og: image

The URL of the image that appears when someone shares the content to Facebook. See below for more info, and check out our best practices guide to learn how to specify a high-quality preview image.


  • ·      fb:app_i

In order to use Facebook Insights, you must add the app ID to your page. Insights let you view analytics for traffic to your site from Facebook. Find the app ID in your App Dashboard.

  • og: type

The type of media of your content. This tag impacts how your content shows up in News Feed. If you don't specify a type, the default is the website. Each URL should be a single object, so multiple og: type values are not possible. Find the full list of object types in Object Types Reference


  • og: locale

The locale of the resource. Defaults to in US. You can also use globally: alternate if you have other available language translations available. Learn about the locales we support in our documentation on localization.

  • og: video

The URL for the video. If you want the video to play in-line in News Feed, you should use the HTTPS:// URL if possible.


  • og:video:URL

Equivalent to og: video


  • og:video:secure_url

Secure URL for the video. Include this even if you set the secure URL in og: video.


  • og:video:type

MIME-type of the video. Either application/x-shockwave-flash or video/mp4.


  • og:video:width

Width of video in pixels. This property is required for videos.


  • og:video:height

Height of video in pixels. This property is required for videos.


  • og: image

Specify an image for a high-quality preview in News Feed

  • og: image

URL for the image. To update an image after it's been published, use a new URL for the new image. Images are cached based on the URL and won't be updated unless the URL changes.


  • og:image:url

Equivalent to og: image


  • og:image:secure_url

HTTPS:// URL for the image


  • og:image:type

MIME-type of the image. One of image/jpeg, image/gif or image/png


  • og:image:width

Width of image in pixels. Specify height and width for your image to ensure that the image loads properly the first time it's shared.


  • og:image:height

Height of the image in pixels. Specify height and width for your image to ensure that the image loads properly the first time it's shared.

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