Monday, January 31, 2022

Class Exercise - Homepage assessment

Me Blog Criterial from Akmal


IYZ E-Commerce Computing

Blog Checklist


Student name: Akmal


Blog criteria


Blog has been customised to reflect Computing/Technology.  Has a minimum of 10 posts.


Number of Posts:


Welcome Post: A short introduction to who you are as a student, your interests, your current IT/Computing skills and your chosen Degree destination.


Class and Homework Tasks: Definition of e-commerce with reference.


Class and Homework Tasks: Definitions of programming languages; Python, Ruby, HTML, JavaScript and CSS with references.


Class and Homework Tasks: Research on the inventors of the WWW and E-Commerce with references and commentary.


Class and Homework Tasks: Essential features of an e-commerce website and the advantages/disadvantages of e-commerce.


Class and Homework Tasks: Analysis, compare and contrast of 2 e-commerce websites with screenshots and commentary.


Class and Homework Tasks: Types of e-commerce (B2B, etc.) and examples of each with a screenshot, link and commentary.


Class and Homework Tasks: Website terms, definition of the following: Internet website cookies, UI, Page source, Meta tags, Jquery, Hyperlinks with references.


Website Construction: Choice of e-commerce type for your own website including the website plan (form on Blackboard to complete and add to the blog).


Website Construction: Wireframe software use for your website design.


Website Construction: Screenshots of your initial construction of the website using Wix and describing what you have done with the tools to customise it.


Referencing on all posts with research.




 -Me Feedback from Blog Criteria from Akmal: 

You seem to have stalled on your posts for over a week and no further development of your project theme or ideas. You need to be ready for your continuous assessment point and make sure you have all levels to complete





Monday, January 24, 2022

website structure

website plan


IYZ E-Commerce Computing


E-Commerce Website Ideas



-My E-Commerce website will be selling the following (product/service):

A service focusing on tourism and knowledge in the production of Whiskey and Gin in the united kingdom.


-The business model for my E-Commerce website is: B2B,  B2C,  C2C,  C2B,  G2C:

The website that I have decided to create is based on business to consumer (B2C) it is about selling a tourist package focused on learning and knowing the production process of spirits such as Gin and Whiskey in the United Kingdom


-My Target Market is:

According to the executive summary, Scotland's brewing and distilling sectors play a vital role in the Scottish economy many distillers and brewers are based in rural communities this is not only important for direct jobs but also for indirect ones through the generation of tourism. My target market will be tourism based and will further encourage the Whiskey and Gin analogy in the UK.


-The business name for my E-Commerce website is:



-My tagline/slogan is:


-I researched the following competitor E-Commerce websites:



-My E-Commerce website idea is original & unique because:

My idea is to offer a cheaper product and further promote the culture of whiskey and gin as drinks steeped in great British history in little-known places full of greenery, nature and tranquillity with decades-old architecture.


-Possible Meta tags for my website:

1. Title Tags

The title tag is your main and most important anchor.


 2. Image Alt Attributes

The image alt attribute is added to an image tag to describe its contents.


3. Social Media Meta Tags

Open Graph was initially introduced by Facebook to let you control how a page would look when shared on social media.




 4. Viewport Meta Tag


Viewport meta tag allows you to configure how a page would be scaled and displayed on any device.



-My website will have the following web pages:





Tuesday, January 18, 2022

online class

 My idea to create my  E-commerce business 

-Travel Ambassador Distillery in the UK


The website that I have decided to create is based on business to consumer (B2C) it is about selling a tourist package focused on learning and knowing the production process of spirits such as Gin and Whiskey in the United Kingdom, there is a great story behind the creation of  Whiskey, its more than 198 distilleries of different brands distributed throughout Scotland date back more than 100 years of history, in addition, these distilleries are between mountains and in areas with beautiful natural landscapes, mountains and rivers from which the whiskey is made. Whisky and keep a unique architectural wealth in the world with a whiskey production process that preserves its beginnings in the ancient monasteries of the 10th century, not to mention the south of England where you can find the best Gins that are marketed worldwide, It's not just going to try a Scotch Whiskey or a Gin from the south of England, it's learning more about British culture and admiring a production process that has gone through many
generations to this day.

- Websites similar to what I want to create






Online exercise E-commerce

Business to consumer (B2C)

The term business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services. Most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies.

Business-to-consumer refers to the process of businesses selling products and services directly to consumers, with no middle person.

B2C typically refers to online retailers who sell products and services to consumers through the Internet.

Online B2C became a threat to traditional retailers, who profited from adding a mark-up to the price.


Business to Business (B2B)

Business-to-business – “B2B” – refers to commerce between two businesses rather than to commerce between a business and an individual consumer. Transactions at the wholesale level are usually business-to-business while those at the retail level are most often business-to-consumer (B2C).

Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
C2C is the business model that facilitates commerce between private individuals. An example of C2C transactions would be the classifieds section of a newspaper or an auction. In both cases, a customer not a business – sells goods or services to another customer. A more high-tech version of this is the rise of apps like Leto and Offer Up that allows consumers to sell to their neighbours. Leto boasts 75 million downloads and 200 million listings since 2015.

Government to Citizen (G2C)

These are the electronic commerce activities, such as paying taxes, land, and vehicle registration, providing information to the public among others, performed between the government and its citizens


Mobile Commerce (m-commerce)

Mobile commerce, also known as e-commerce or m-commerce, involves using wireless handheld devices like cell phones and tablets to conduct commercial transactions online, including the purchase and sale of products, online banking, and paying bills. Mobile commerce refers to business or purchases conducted over mobile devices like cell phones or tablets.

With m-commerce, users can transact anywhere provided there's a wireless internet provider available in that area.

Mobile commerce has increased rapidly as security issues have been resolved.

Companies like Apple and Google have introduced their own mobile commerce services.

Monday, January 17, 2022

class exercise

1) define what is a meta tag is: 

Meta Tag

Meta tags are areas in HTML code that contain information about a website.

Meta tags are areas in HTML code that contain information about a website. The information cannot be seen on the website itself. Search engines access certain meta tags so they can, for instance, display a page title and description in the search results.


2) Choose a webpage and analyse its meta tang.

- My choice is meta Facebook...

  • ·      Tag = Og: URL

The canonical URL for your page. This should be the undecorated URL, without session variables, user identifying parameters, or counters. Likes and Shares for this URL will aggregate at this URL. For example, mobile domain URLs should point to the desktop version of the URL as the canonical URL to aggregate Likes and Shares across different versions of the page.


  • ·      og: title

The title of your article without any branding such as your site name. A brief description of the content, usually between 2 and 4 sentences. This will be displayed below the title of the post on Facebook.


  • ·      og: image

The URL of the image that appears when someone shares the content to Facebook. See below for more info, and check out our best practices guide to learn how to specify a high-quality preview image.


  • ·      fb:app_i

In order to use Facebook Insights, you must add the app ID to your page. Insights let you view analytics for traffic to your site from Facebook. Find the app ID in your App Dashboard.

  • og: type

The type of media of your content. This tag impacts how your content shows up in News Feed. If you don't specify a type, the default is the website. Each URL should be a single object, so multiple og: type values are not possible. Find the full list of object types in Object Types Reference


  • og: locale

The locale of the resource. Defaults to in US. You can also use globally: alternate if you have other available language translations available. Learn about the locales we support in our documentation on localization.

  • og: video

The URL for the video. If you want the video to play in-line in News Feed, you should use the HTTPS:// URL if possible.


  • og:video:URL

Equivalent to og: video


  • og:video:secure_url

Secure URL for the video. Include this even if you set the secure URL in og: video.


  • og:video:type

MIME-type of the video. Either application/x-shockwave-flash or video/mp4.


  • og:video:width

Width of video in pixels. This property is required for videos.


  • og:video:height

Height of video in pixels. This property is required for videos.


  • og: image

Specify an image for a high-quality preview in News Feed

  • og: image

URL for the image. To update an image after it's been published, use a new URL for the new image. Images are cached based on the URL and won't be updated unless the URL changes.


  • og:image:url

Equivalent to og: image


  • og:image:secure_url

HTTPS:// URL for the image


  • og:image:type

MIME-type of the image. One of image/jpeg, image/gif or image/png


  • og:image:width

Width of image in pixels. Specify height and width for your image to ensure that the image loads properly the first time it's shared.


  • og:image:height

Height of the image in pixels. Specify height and width for your image to ensure that the image loads properly the first time it's shared.

class exercise

What is SEO?


According to SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results. Because organic search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content, a good SEO strategy is essential for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.

Single page websites are extremely popular right now. More and more companies are choosing them overelaborate multi-page sites to meet the needs of their businesses. But does the design of your website impact your SEO? Could a single page site hurt your chances of ranking with Google? Below, we’ve explored some of the pros and cons of single page sites and how the simple format could potentially impact your SEO.


  • What Is SEO?. (2021). Retrieved 10 January 2019, from

Friday, January 14, 2022

E-commerce Platform Comparison

T-K-maxx is an e-commerce platform that caters to mostly clothing items for customers across the European and US graphical location.

Wish is multi-purpose e-commerce that sells a range of products from clothing, food, electronics etc. across the world. The first thing I want to compare is the structures of these e-commerce platforms, my looking at the head, body and footer of their websites


 From mere observation, I can see quite a lot of similarities and a lot of differences between the header structure of these platforms.

Similarities: Promotion banner in the middle of the header, basket in the right hand, Logo T-K-maxx is in the middle and Wish is on the left hand

Differences:  Categories based on gender, User location identifier, placement of promotion banners, Search Bar in different positions, Login feature in deferens said,uk


Similarities: the are no similarities between the two applications

Differences: T-K-maxx offers the option of a search with many options, such as gender, clothes or appliances, but WISH only gives the option that has been previously selected in the search header.


Similarities: the are no similarities between the two applications

Differences:  Wish when I lower the cursor, it only continues to generate images that I previously consulted in the search engine above, but it does not give me any other information. T-K-mass gives me the option of extra product information and how to follow them on Instagram or Facebook

The 4 Ps in me Gin Traveling Distillery Tour

  What Are the 4 Ps? The four Ps of marketing is the key factors that are involved in the marketing of a good or service. They are the p...